Note from Annual Conference

Note from Annual Conference

June 6, 2023

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Today was a heavy day at the meeting of the South Carolina Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. This afternoon we voted to approve the separation of 113 of our sister churches that they might follow their own path in discerning God’s call on their lives. The weight of the moment could be physically felt in the room, and the sense of loss was palatable as it became a reality that we would no longer be a part of the same denomination as these churches that have been a part of our lives as United Methodists.

It is a weight and a loss that we know all too well at Cokesbury UMC as we navigated the discernment process earlier in the year. While Cokesbury voted to remain United Methodist, many of our Cokesbury family felt they were being lead on a different path and have started exploring other options of living out God’s call on their lives. While we mourn their parting, we look to the future with hope and anticipation as we listen for what God is calling us to do next as workers in God’s kingdom.

While we should not rush through our grief, we also should not despair as Christ is still with us. Jesus has promised to be with us until the end of the present age, and I trust Jesus is indeed with us (Matthew 28:20). As we grieve, I encourage us to continue to look to the future with hope. May we pray for our sisters and brothers who are leaving. May we pray for those of us who are staying. May we pray for Cokesbury UMC, the Charleston District, the South Carolina Conference, and all of The United Methodist Church. May we pray that those who leave and decide they want to return know that they will be welcomed back with open arms.

While it has certainly been a roller coaster at times, it has been my honor to be your pastor over the past year. Unless something unexpected happens between now and tomorrow afternoon, I look forward to another year in ministry with the beautiful and loving people of Cokesbury UMC. Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. All are welcome here. I cannot wait to see what God is up to with us next.