A Welcoming Place for Those Who Wish to Remain United Methodist

A Welcoming Place for Those Who Wish to Remain United Methodist

It goes without saying that the events of the last several months have been painful for all those involved.  Whether an individual or local church has chosen to stay United Methodist or not, we mourn the loss of the sense of community with those we have worshiped and conferenced with for years.  For those who do not wish to remain United Methodist, my prayer is that you find a faith community where you can experience God’s love and grace for you in a profound way. For those in the Lowcountry of South Carolina who wish to remain United Methodist but no longer have a church home, I invite you to come and rest at Cokesbury UMC.

I have recently been asked about something that is happening in neighboring conferences called Lighthouse Congregations.  The purpose of a Lighthouse Congregation is to provide a welcoming space for those who wish to remain UMC but have lost their church home due to separation and closure.  Currently, the South Carolina Conference is not officially participating in the Lighthouse Congregations program.  While we do not currently have an official program, I can pledge to you as their pastor what you will find if you come through the doors of Cokesbury United Methodist Church:

A local congregation that has been through the discernment process and has chosen to remain United Methodist.

A welcoming space to belong and receive pastoral care during this time of grief and transition, which might be for a season or for a lifetime.

A place with ministry opportunities for worship, discipleship, and mission without any immediate pressure to join, give, or lead.

A community committed to open hearts, open minds, and open doors.

A family that is striving to live by:  Love God, Love Neighbor, Do No Harm, Do Good, and Stay in Love with God.

If you or someone you know is looking for a place of healing and rest, please know that you/they are welcome here.  We consider it our honor and duty to walk with you during this journey.  May the peace that surpasses all understanding bring you comfort and guidance during this time of transition.