Posts from 2024 (Page 2)

Posts from 2024 (Page 2)

Pastor’s Post for March

It is often said of March that this month comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb.  While this saying is referring to the drastic weather change that takes place as we move from winter into spring, it really got me thinking about the true nature of Jesus Christ and who we are called to be as Christians.  If Jesus is “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of…

Pastor’s Post for February

Are you looking for something to do in February?  Well, you’re in luck!  We’ve got so much going on at Cokesbury UMC this month that they had to add an extra day!  Hopefully there is something in this list that is speaking to you where you can plug in with us. We are continuing with our partnership with New Francis Brown UMC and St. Andrews Parish UMC in…

Pastor’s Post for January

Silent Night has been sung and the candles have been blown out.  We have said goodbye to 2023 and welcomed 2024.  The magi have come to honor Jesus and are returning home (Matthew2:1-12).  In short, the holidays are now over and our lives are returning to “normal” (whatever that might mean!)  Is our normal for 2024 going to reflect an encounter with…

Pastor’s Post for December

We have reached the season where it seems like everyone is telling us, “It’s the mostwonderful time of the year,” as if that is an unconditional statement. For many of us it is as we can hardly wait to play our holiday music, decorate our tree, and deck out our houses in so many lights it would make Rusty Griswold jealous. Yet for others we find ourselves either not in…

Pastor’s Post for November

As we enter into this season of thanks, it struck me Tuesday night what I am thankful for this year. I am thankful to have been appointed as your pastor at Cokesbury UMC, and I am thankful for each and every one of you who have committed yourselves to the future of this local congregation. What triggered this train of thought was the group of people in this picture…
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